Establishing Your Home Yoga Practice

Establishing Your Home Yoga Practice

Practicing yoga at home is amazingly convenient, especially now that you have access to quality live and pre-recorded instruction! A home yoga practice comes with some unique challenges, so here are some tips for a successful home practice!

Create a routine.

Set an alarm. This tip seems simple enough, but it’s very easy to put something off when you haven’t carved out space for it in your calendar. If you practice yoga with a live streaming class from home, it is easier to hold yourself accountable. Even if you plan to do a pre-recorded practice that you can access anytime, plan ahead and put it on your calendar.

Create a realistic sanctuary.

Don’t let the idea of a perfect yoga practice space stop you from practicing. Work within the constraints of reality when planning your yoga practice. You do not need a whole room, just enough space for your mat. You also don’t need perfect silence. Only concern yourself with the things within your control. Do you like 80s music? Play it! Have a favorite candle? Burn it! Make your space as much YOUR practice space as possible, taking the time to personalize what you can without overthinking it.

Take your practice outside.

Spice up your practice spot sometimes with the great outdoors! Get some headphones to hook up or link to your device, using nature as your backdrop! Get your dose of vitamin D while mindfully moving and breathing!

No Dress Code.

Practicing at home also provides you the opportunity to practice wearing the clothes that you want! No need to dress to impress. Remember that you’re in control of your camera settings in our live streaming classes, so get comfy and log in :)

Figure out how to make distractions part of your practice.

Yoga is meant to help us move through our daily life with more physical, mental, and spiritual ease, not to cancel out the real things we have to deal with on the daily. We can practice despite loud family members or housemates and despite pets crawling all over our mats. Practicing with these distractions is amazing preparation for your off-the-mat yoga mindset. Notice all of the distractions that pull you away from your body, breath, and movement, and challenge yourself to not react to them. Just notice. And soon, you will be flowing through your moving meditation with impenetrable focus and clarity! Let go of the things outside of your control and remember this is time you’ve carved out for yourself. Don’t spoil it on the little things.

Establishing Yoga Home Yoga Practice
Establishing Your Home Yoga Practice

Find a teacher and style that resonate with you.

Yoga has so much to offer, and the wide variety of options can feel overwhelming as a student. Practice virtually with an actual teacher. Books and guides are great, but a voice and moving visual aid are better. A live streaming class might be the best option for those just starting out because it provides the opportunity for interaction with the teacher. Pre-recorded classes are great too, because you can pause and repeat sections of the class that you are working through. And, if you have to go to the bathroom, you can just hit pause without missing anything :) Whether live streaming or pre-recorded, make sure you dig the style and teacher, because, if you like it, you will be more likely to practice often. 

Want really individualized yoga instruction from the comfort of your home?

Schedule a virtual private session. Private yoga sessions are amazing for students who are just starting out! You get all of the individual attention you need in a non-intimidating format. Private yoga instruction is also amazing for students working through injuries, illness, or anxiety. Or if you just have something really specific you’d like to work on or maintain, private yoga instruction can help you reach your goals. 

Final reminders and tips for your home yoga practice:

  • choose live streaming or pre-recorded classes to practice with

  • create a yoga routine

  • create a realistic sanctuary

  • get outside sometimes

  • wear what you want 

  • strengthen your practice through the inevitable distractions

  • pick the right teacher(s) and style(s) for you

  • schedule a virtual private session 

Check out the many options for practice with us at Yoga Baum, and make us part of your home practice through our live streaming classes and pre-recorded classes, online series, and private sessions :)