Creating space for reflection, insight, and renewal.
what is a Moon Meeting?
A Moon Meeting is a gathering around the full or new moon that incorporates information about the seasons, moon phases, astrology, folklore, and subtle anatomy to help individuals reflect and connect with themselves and others. Moon Meetings, while focused on individual growth and insight, are also about community building and coming together with like-minded individuals who are open to learning the deeper and sometimes hidden qualities that make up the fabric of their reactions and lives.
Laurie LeCompte and Megh Zahnrdt facilitate the moon meetings (typically together but sometimes individually). You can find their bios here.
What kinds of activities are included in Moon Meetings?
While each Moon Meeting is different, you can expect some combination of discussion, journaling, crafting, Tarot, yoga, and meditation. Not every meeting will include all of those activities, but you can expect some similarities and consistency from meeting to meeting. On Full Moon Meetings we include some sort of craft (materials included) and on New Moon Meetings we include some sort of Tarot activity.
Who can attend Moon Meetings?
Everyone is welcome at our Moon Meetings :) Just make sure to sign up in advance (as opposed to just dropping in) so we have the materials ready for you!
Upcoming Meetings:
Friday, March 14th — Full Moon in Virgo
Friday, March 28th — New Moon in Aries