Yoga Class Descriptions

While these descriptions provide information about the class format you are stepping into, everyone is welcome in all classes, no matter what. Every pose and exercise that comes up is an offering, not a command. You are not expected or required to practice in a certain way. Show up as you are, and leave the rest to our amazing teachers. 

All Level Flow is Yoga Baum’s signature style, based on intentional and mindful movement. All Level Flow is a vinyasa flow that moves slowly, mindfully, and creatively from pose to pose. This class challenges students physically and teaches more about how to transition intentionally. Yogis will be challenged to break routine movement patterns, strengthen in new ways, and learn the subtleties of their alignment. This is a great class for beginners and experienced yogis alike.

This evening class is the perfect way to end your day. You will work out pent up energy by flowing through a variety of poses and transitions and end in relaxing postures that leave you feeling refreshed and restored. This class will also keep students mindful of their breath as they flow. Candlelight Flow is great for yogis who are seeking more playfulness and challenge, but also want to restore at the end of the day.

This 45-minute morning class is the perfect flow to hit before work! This class focuses on strengthening the spine, core, and glutes.

The best of all worlds. This begins with high-powered flow and core work and ends with 15 minutes of gentle stretching and restorative poses. Come get strong and regulate your nervous system in Core + Restore!

This class is the perfect way to flow into your weekend. The first half of this class is a fiery flow meant to strengthen and build heat. As you enter the second half of the class, you transition into mindful and calming stretches and restorative postures. These stretchy and restorative postures are held long enough for you to settle in and settle down before you head into the weekend.

Gentle Yoga is a place where students of all levels and mobility levels can come and feel good in their body and practice. Each practice is adapted for the students in the class. Floor and standing postures and exercises will be offered to students who are able to get onto and off of the floor, and students with all levels of mobility are welcome.

Create some balance in your life during your lunch break. This shorter class (45 mins) provides an excellent opportunity to flow in the middle of your workday. The class format will be gentle enough that you can show up as you are, do some yoga, and return to your normally scheduled activities. It will also be appropriately challenging and energizing, to get you through the mid-day lull.

Start your weekend off right with this community meditation. This class will incorporate different meditation techniques and breath work to help students relax and connect. $15

Our Prenatal Yoga classes are designed to help the pregnant person connect to their breath, body, and baby. Movement can help baby get into an optimal position and help you feel comfortable and confident in this transformative season of your life! You can join this class at any stage in your pregnancy.

Yoga Baum’s restorative classes leave you relaxed and renewed. You are guided into postures, incorporating props so that you are completely supported. In the supported poses, you will release tension and stress, and enter a calming, meditative state. Restorative Yoga calms the nervous system and creates the conditions necessary for wellness in body, mind, and spirit. All students will receive individual attention.

This feel-good flow class is gentle and offers a moderate physical challenge. Some heating postures such as plank, chaturanga, and downward facing dog are offered, as well as modifications for those poses. There will always be time at the end of this class to set up in at least one luxurious restorative pose, either before savasana or as savasana.

In this class, students explore poses and movements that improve back and core strength, stability, and mobility. Come prepared to strengthen and lengthen. Appropriate for all levels.

Come and enjoy the most relaxing mixture of gentle stretching and movement, meditation, breathwork, and restorative yoga.

Join us for this early morning offering and start your day off right with an invigorating vinyasa flow! This all-levels vinyasa flow class will wake and warm you! Sunrise Flow offers a great variety of movement and transitions through poses that strengthen and stretch the body. See you bright and early!

Yoga Foundations is great for people who are wondering if they are doing the poses effectively for their unique body. Great for beginners and experienced yogis alike, the longer pose holds in this class provide time for more feedback and individualized attention and allow students to build and practice with a strong foundation. Students interested in improving their body awareness, biomechanics, and foundations will love this class. 

Yoga HIIT is all about getting your blood pumping and leaving you in a peaceful state after class! This class includes cardio through high intensity bursts of activity, with stretching and rest interspersed so that you leave feeling worked out and balanced. You will be introduced variations of all of the HIIT exercises so you will have an option that works well for you, and you will enjoy the familiarity of the yoga stretches that are included. All exercises are body weight exercises, no equipment required.

Looking to add a new challenge to your yoga routine? Resistance bands can accompany a wide range of movement, making them a well-suited prop for yoga. Resistance bands add extra tension to our movements which will really kick things up a notch! This is a strength focused practice with targeted muscle activation exercises. This practice is accessible for all levels.

Come meet our newest graduates in this $10 offering! This class is accessible to all levels. Regular class packages and memberships can be used for this class as well. Bäumchen = Saplings :)